
As homeowners, you’ll soon discover that your home will experience various issues related to comfort, general aesthetics, and energy efficiency. It’s a little-known fact that the roof contributes the most to these three aspects, so you should prioritize it when you’re doing home maintenance and not just roof replacement.

Although commercial roofing systems tend to generally be stronger than their residential counterparts, they do experience challenges entirely unique to them. As a business owner, the general state of your commercial roof should be a priority because it protects your investment.

Your home’s roof is more than just a static piece for your exteriors. It’s responsible for keeping you safe throughout the year. Its responsibility extends even further by helping regulate your home’s comfort levels through ventilation and serving as a primary aesthetic keystone of your home.

For many homeowners, roof repair is usually done when the roof is already showing signs of trouble. While there’s technically nothing wrong with it, this is a short-term solution to a more long-term problem. There are some roof problems that need immediate attention. Roof Leaks Can...

Fall season is, without a doubt, the best time to schedule your roofing replacement project. It’s an interim season with mellow weather, and you avoid the summer wind and rain that might end up damaging your roof while you’re replacing it. Not convinced? Universal Roof and...