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Fireworks Fun & Safety

Fireworks at HomeSummer is here, and Florida fun abounds in many varieties, especially this weekend as we celebrate the Fourth of July holiday. This year Independence Day falls on a Monday, so parties are likely to encompass four days of fun. According to The National Council on Fireworks Safety (NCFS), the number of Americans planning to use backyard fireworks this year is expected to hit an all-time high. It is wise to use caution when celebrating, especially when creating your own fireworks displays. Unfortunately, according to experts fireworks are responsible for thousands of home fires and injuries each year.
Fireworks by the numbers*

  • From 2009-2013, U.S. fire departments responded to an average of 18,500 fires – 1,300 of which were structure fires – caused by fireworks.
  • In 2014, U.S. hospital emergency rooms treated an estimated 10,500 people for fireworks related injuries.**
  • The risk of fireworks injury is highest for young people ages 5-9, followed by children 10-19.
  • More than one-quarter of fires started by fireworks in 2009-2013 were reported on July 4th. Almost half (47%) of the reported fires on the Fourth of July were started by fireworks.

The Universal Roof & Contracting family joins the NCFS on their mission to encourage consumers to follow these safety tips before engaging in fireworks celebrations this Fourth of July:

  • Use fireworks outdoors in a clear area; away from buildings and vehicles.
  • Know your fireworks; read the cautionary labels and performance descriptions before igniting.
  • Wear safety glasses when shooting fireworks, and do not hold a fireworks item in your hand
  • Light one firework at a time and then quickly move away.
  • Ensure all pets and animals are away from fireworks noise; never give fireworks to children.
  • When using fireworks always have a connected hose, bucket of water, or other water source nearby.

Visit the NCFS for the entire list and other safety suggestions, and have a fun & safe Fourth of July!
Listen Saturday mornings to “In the House with Ken & Jared”. Get more Home Tips and show info at the In the House website. For a free estimate on your next Home Improvement Project, visit Universal Roof & Contracting or call now. Orlando: 407-295-7403 Jacksonville: 904-647-3907
* Source: NFPA’s Fireworks report, by Marty Ahrens, June 2016
**These injury estimates were obtained or derived from the Consumer Product Safety Commission’s 2014 Fireworks Annual Report by Yongling Tu and Demar Granados.