3 Common Water Damage Issues

Does your roof have a leak? Are you unsure if that leak is going to actually cause an issue or not? Our advice? Stop questioning and start doing. When you’re waiting around wondering and not taking action, water leaks could be doing major damage to your home. Your roof must be properly installed to ensure that it protects you from Florida’s elements of nature.

3 Common Water Damage Issues

These are the 3 major water damage issues we hope doesn’t happen to your home.

1. Mold Growth

When left unattended, water damage can lead to mold growth, leading to major health problems and damage to your belongings.

2. Black Water Contamination

Black water refers to water that has leaked into the home, usually from unsanitary sources. Black water contains human and animal waste that can cause serious health issues if ingested or left to fester in your home.

3. Damaged Wiring and Appliances

One of the worst effects of water damage the possibility of seeping through wiring and appliances, rendering them useless and even causing a safety hazard. This is why homeowners and business owners are advised to always turn off electrical and gas services during flood cleanups to avoid electric shock and gas leaks. Additionally, prolonged water damage can result in costly and time-consuming repairs, sometimes taking months to get repaired.

To ensure that your home or business is protected against moisture intrusion, call Universal Roof & Contracting today at (407) 278-2686 or (904) 416-1399 to learn more about our other services. We’d love to hear from you! We serve Orlando, FL.